About Francois


Oh, to live a life vicariously through another, a world traveler, entrepreneur or humanitarian - Jann Harrison has found a way to do just that.  Harrison lives all those personas and more through The Perils of Francois. Humor and spirited fun are at the very core of Francois and his adventures.

The mythical Francois Andre Midas Fibian is 6’1” tall, 175 pounds, with a beguiling smile, large blue eyes and green hair so pale it is almost invisible.  His head and hands are those of a frog in caricature, but he is clothed in human form. Francois is a man in transition who has taken on froggish characteristics; however, he is representative of mankind.  Francois, a dashing figure and perfect male physical specimen with natural athletic abilities is debonair, refined and worldly, yet with irresistible little boy looks. He is a connoisseur of the finer things life has to offer, a Renaissance man who dances better than Michael Jackson, plays the piano and saxophone, loves billiards, golf, polo, you name it; he is very competitive. Francois is fluent in seven languages and totally comfortable no matter where he happens to be.


Francois travels the world in search of the quintessential element missing from his life.  He is the consummate bachelor, the ever-elusive Prince Charming that is always a fabulous date, but a terrible boyfriend.  Francois has the philosophy that very few things in life are perfect; a martini is one of those things that can.